LFL Announcement, Rule Book, and more!

Before you read any further, watch the short video on the left!

Okay, so now you've either watched the video or totally ignored my request. Either way, the Lost Fantasy League is coming soon for Season 4! Since Lost airs on Thursdays in America and Canada, and since it airs on Sundays in Britain, Fantasy Updates will no longer be posted on Thursdays.

Beginning on February 4th, you can get your fill of LFL action on Mondays. This change in date will allow DarkUFO and I ample time to pull all the necessary data together and it will hopefully make Mondays suck a little bit less than usual for all of you. Be sure to come back next Monday to see how your team faired in the first week of competition.

As promised, DarkUFO and I have completed our Season 4 Fantasy League Rule Book. You can use this to keep score on your own as you watch the new episodes of Lost. Barring any further rule changes once the season gets underway, these rules will be applied to the first 16 new episodes of Lost we get, regardless of when the Writer's Strike ends.

We hope having this rule book will give you all a better sense of what to expect come the next Fantasy Update.

After taking in the results of the Hiatus League and using my knowledge of Lost, I have speculated how well each of our League characters will perform this season. Were your roster selections foolish or wise? Find out what G-Man thinks all this week, leading up to the US premiere of Season 4.

Approximately every 12 hours I will post spoiler-free analysis of one of our character groupings. We'll start with Group 7 and work our way up to the top dogs in Group 1. I am 90% spoiler-free going into Season 4, so my analysis may be completely wrong and seem amusing to you spoiler readers. Nevertheless, I hope it helps build up the excitement and anticipation for Season 4!